Posted Date: 01/14/2021
Kodie, the toy Australian Shepard, visited Levelland ABC this week as one of his school observations. He is learning to be a therapy dog to give youngsters comfort and affection, like his friend Arry. He is in the process of learning to act correctly, respond to commands, and to remain calm around a group of kids. A certified therapy dog must be friendly, patient, confident, gentle, and at ease in all situations. Therapy dogs must enjoy human contact and be content to be petted, cuddled, and handled by unfamiliar people and to enjoy that contact. It takes hours of preparation like anything good does, and visiting ABC is just one step of his testing. His owner, Tammy Perez hopes to have Kodie's certification completed by spring break. The students enjoyed interacting with Kodie, and it was the highlight of their day!