Posted Date: 02/22/2024
Some of you know how to code, but did you know that Mrs. Brittany Dagley is teaching our littles at ABC, even students as small as PK, to code? Yes! It's hard to even put your head around, but our littles are already coding in this CTE computer class at ABC. They understand that coding is telling the computer what to do, and they are taking the first step by learning to make humans do the steps block-by-block. They are acting as the programming coders, and eventually, they will learn to type in the commands themselves. These classes also include working with Coding Critters and Space Rovers on Fun Code Fridays. PK students played with Coding Critters by working to code them in the correct direction to follow a path. K and 1st grade students built tracks and then coded their Space Rovers to follow the path. We are so proud that our CTE courses start so early! Mrs. Dagley sends out another thank you to the LIFE Foundation and The Community Foundation of West Texas for funding these projects with grants!